torsdag den 19. april 2007

Spring is the season for change

The positive power of nature never ceases to amaze. Spring in Denmark is a magical time after a long, grey, wet, cold winter. People start to blossom along with the trees and bulbs. It is as though there are more out and about- hibernation is over, frozen faces thaw into smiles.

After years of working, I suddenly find myself with time to experience this burst of growth on a daily basis. No matter where I look in the garden, along the streets, there are flowers of all kinds of colour and depth appearing.

The delicate white flowers on wild may, thorn and plum trees remind us of the snow that has left us behind. The tiny white wild flowers on the forest floor also look like a sprinkling of frost and these signal the arrival of the finest lime-green beech leaves, which illuminate the branches and make the forests glow. The forsythia hedges and bushes with their brilliant bright yellow remind us of the coming summer. Bright pink blossom of fruit trees hints at the colour of the fruit they will later produce for our enjoyment.

So nature shows us the way to look in all directions, explore all kinds of paths and open our eyes and minds, in order to discover which will provide the most vivid colour and life for our own particular needs.


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